Marston House Fire Engine
Marston House Fire Engine 150 150 Frome Heritage Museum 18 November 2023

Come and see the fire engine we acquired from Marston House, a Georgian house with an important garden, situated in Marston Bigot near Frome.
The earliest description of Marston House is contained in a letter from Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork, in 1641, when he purchased the Manor from Sir John Hippisley. In 1714, Marston was inherited by Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of Orrery, who rebuilt it. The house later passed to John Boyle, 5th Earl of Cork, and successive generations, who each left their mark on the house and grounds, including Edmund Boyle, 7th Earl of Cork who added Marston Pond, a boathouse, and three gate lodges.
In the late 19th century, the house fell into disrepair and it was sold in 1905 to the Bonham-Christie family.
The US Army used Marston House and its grounds during World War II, and John and Angela Yeoman of Foster Yeoman Ltd finally rescued the property from dereliction in 1984, using it as the company headquarters.
Foster Yeoman put the house on the market in 2012 at a price of £6 million, when it was purchased by Timothy Sanderson, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Sanderson Asset Management. It remains a private residence.